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Tis The Season!

Hi friends!

Tis the busy season, that is!

I have been awful at updating the blog and posting on here lately:: life has been busy! Four sweet kiddos are keeping this mommy very busy, but in the best kinds of ways... I did want to hop on here and say a big HI, I have missed sharing on this creative space. I'm going to try and be much better about posting on here and sharing all.the.things with you {or at least the best finds and updates}.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and here we are gearing up now for Christmas! I just cannot believe how quick these months lately are flying by. I'm not sure if its the kiddos, our schedules or what, but time has been such a thief lately. I'm just trying to soak in all of these sweet, chaotic, busy days with my crew.

As always, thank you for following along with me, shopping with me, and hanging with me, sweet friends! I'll be sure to share a gift guide soon on the blog, along with sharing some direct links on my LTK page and my Instagram account. Much love.

-Thee Girl in Yellow,




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