Motherhood + 11 Months Update

Hi friends! I realized that I'm long overdue for a motherhood update on the blog. Our little ones keep growing, and the days are getting busier, but I could not love these fun and chaotic stages more!
Lately I've been busy starting to plan the kids joint birthday party for March. I still cannot believe I have two March babies! The kiddos are about 2 years and 2 weeks apart in age, and I LOVE it {so does my hubs}... It's challenging at times, yet so fun sharing all of these moments with the kiddos being so close in age. Karsyn loves her little brother and calls him "Gippin", we are working on "Griffin"... Haha!
I also can't believe my baby boy is going to be ONE so soon. Also, my sweet girl that made me a mommy is going to be THREE. HOW?!!!!!
In the meantime, Griffin just turned 11 months
last week {on the third}... Wow, that went by fast! It honestly feels like we just were in the hospital to have him. He's been the absolute best addition to our family. His smile is everything and he's the happiest little boy!
Mr. Griffin and I are still going strong nursing, too. I had hopes of nursing him until he turned one {when good ol' whole milk comes into play}, but every kiddo is different so you just never know what to fully expect... So I'm thrilled! I know that the day will come soon enough though that our BF journey will be slowing down, so I'm soaking up all that these next few months have to offer. It's so bittersweet! Sadness and happiness all at the same time... On one hand, we've made it to a year which is HUGE in itself, but on the other hand, my tiny baby isn't a tiny baby anymore...
BF is no easy task, but it's created a huge bond between myself and my little ones. I'm really proud for continuing with BF even when it's not always easy... Mommyhood is not easy. It's not easy being needed all day {and night when you have a baby}... But it's all so worth it!
On another note, Griffin has just started sleeping through the night {most nights}, insert happy dance!!... I'm whispering this to myself as I type because let's be real, I don't want to jinx it. Every mama wants her sleep, a full night's sleep that is. So here's to hoping and praying this continues!
Anyways friends, time to sip my semi-warm coffee and enjoy naptime {the one time of day that both kiddos are quiet and the house is peaceful}... Happy day all!
-Thee Girl in Yellow, Kasey